Robyn Hitchcock... Gigography

Robyn Hitchcock's ROCK ARMADA
Concert appearance: Mon., 22 Nov. 1999

The Mint
Los Angeles, California US
secret gig

Set list:

Sinister But She Was Happy
Jewels for Sophia
No, I Don't Remember Guildford
Madonna of the Wasps
Queen of Eyes
Sleeping with Your Devil Mask
Encore: Birds in Perspex
Encore: Adoration of the City
Encore: Beautiful Queen

Length: 60

It all sounded great, but was disappointingly short--Robyn was
sandwiched in between two previously scheduled bands, so there seemed to
be major time constraints. Bummer. Hope the Largo show tommorrow runs a
bit longer (the Departure Lounge is the scheduled band, but it's
sounding like all the guys will make an appearance. Later, Marc

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